
Riley Makena Rudd

IT Specialist & Full Stack Web Developer / Graphic Designer & Programmer


Been knowledgeable of HTML since birth it feels like. Then moved on to CSS/SASS studies more over the years.


I am taught and familiar with using Bootstrap as of 2019. It’s an amazing tool and I’ve implemented it with some of my more recent websites to keep them responsive and clean.

Javascript / React

I have a few years working with Javascript and only have got into REACT development over the last two.

Riley’s Busy Mind
C#/ Unity
  • 3 Years in Game Devolpment
  • Internship at GameDevHQ working on multiple projects.
  • Fluent and comfortable working with Unity Software.
Audio & Video Production

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”


Adobe Software / Graphic Design

Know my way around a wide selection of Adobe software. On the back burner, I like to consider myself somewhat of an artist and graphic designer. Content to be posted soon!

Little bit about…

Born & raised from upcountry Maui, Hawaii. I’m a enthusiastic, motivated, self driven individual with many passions, hobbies, and talents. I consider myself somewhat of a renaissance man and embrace daily hurdles. I thrive where others might find opposition.

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